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2001-06-20 - 5:17 p.m.

finally got my fone up and running. took soo long and sooo much hassle. and $120 for rewireing, 52 for reconnect, and 20 more for reconnecting my voice messege box.

greedy little pests... grrr

so far things in my new place are good though.

nothing much to talk about. still unpacking and stuff. got my new computer finally yay... go fast now ;]vvrrrroooommm :]

new roomie has digital cable tv.. ugh i've been re-exposed to the evils of television. i've wathed like 2 hours of tv in the last 4 days, that's more than i normally watch in a month...must not get sucked in....must fight hypnotic box....

only a little more than a month till grinninggirl comes out to visit again. yay! i have to work part of the time she'll be out though, so that'll suck. grrr.


having to pay money i don't have to get fone connected.



i got a moose stuffie backpack :}

being in a new place.

my leg isn't hurting



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