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15 January, 2002 - 10:52 a.m.

ick. I had a very nasty depressing dream last night/this morning. I drempt i was off somewhere and it was about 3 hours from home, and i was with akitty an ckitty and chickieratgrrl and loki. and i didn't really wanna go with them, and i had $23 , which was exactly enough to take the train. so i had them drop me off. there were no schedules posted, the only conductors i found spoke no english. i couldn't figure out which train of the two was going where i was, cuz one stopped before that stop. i stepped on one to try to find a conductor and some lady rushed off the train and hit me in the head with her purse and knocked me out and i woke up right as the train started moving and a conductor finally found me, and i asked and it was the wrong train, and they couldn't stop to let me off, and i was stranded about halfway there with no money and it was cold and i called people and no one would come get me cuz i was out in the middle of nowhere and they either just palin didn't wanan go, or wanted more money than it would be for the train, which i didn't have in the first place. then as per movies, it started raining. I just started crying and crying cuz i was stuck in the middle of nowhere. I had avoided going with my friends because i thought i would be unhappy with it, but my alternate choice ended up worse.

I woke up crying. It sucked. I still feel pretty miserable. It just left me with that "I can't do Anything Right " feeling. I was feeling that lately anyways. I have no money, i Haven't taken any meds. in over a week cuz i can't afford them, and it's screwing with my body bad. this week i'm working extra hours in a different department where i have little clue what i'm doing. I'm being whiney and bitchy to almost everyone. I'm feeling nasty from the shot i had to have yesterday for starting to work in the classroom with kids. I don't feel like i'm ready for it. I've been coughing like crazy and i can't go to the doctor cuz they canceled my insurance for some reason. I owe veganboy money for my phone bill that i won't have till 2 weeks (though he's being really nice about it, as usual) I have little food. I don't want to borrow money from anyone, i owe veganboy and grinninggirl too much already.


does this entry really need something here? sorry for such a glum entry, but it is how i'm feeling today.

i need to remember to bring chickieratgrrls chocolates to her wed.

my tummy is rumbling at me, i should eat.


my kitty, whom was bugging me for food, i poured the food and left back to my room, and instead of eating he followed me and sat and cuddled with me for a few minutes before eating.

this girl at school who has been really nice to me. we keep running into eachother in the campus centre and walking about, and she always waves and stops to talk. She helped my day a lot yesterday. I should actually get her number or email. she's nifty. she's got these cool rainbow earings that are cool (shh i know i say i hate piercing, but those earings are cool) and a neat black skirt she wears a lot.

now playing: linkin park- in the end, atari teenage riot, lots of weird al (still)



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