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12 January, 2002 - 5:37 p.m.

tonight has been nice thusfar. i woke up, tried to reboot my computer, and the cdrw drive was not getting power. i fiddled with wires and such to no avail, then called veganboy over to help. we discovered that one of the wires from the power supply had gotten torn out (very bad) we rerouted power, then had it short the computer because we were silly an didn't put electrical tape on the open wire. I will get a new power supply soon i hope. he also reminded me that i have a crappy mouse because we couldn't get any mouse other than a true serial mouse to work. i need a new motherboard prolly, since the mouse sucks, and the USB doesn't work. blah. hopefully the computer fairies will continue to shine on me and i'll find something. we got the sound stuff fixed though. yay.

then we walked down to the new (old) thai restaurant for lunch, wandered teh mall, i stopped in the store i bought some new bra's at last november, and the underwear to match on of them was on sale half off, so i am silly and have a matching bra and underwear set now. MMmmM velvet.... 0=)

then we watched don't tell mom the babysitter's dead. good christina appelgate movie, we both laughed like crazy, i haven't seen it in years, and he'd never seen it.

i have new neighbors, i hate their kids already, they were chasing a neighbours cat around...

now lokifox will be coming over in a bit. yay :}


the only need to do's i did today was putting away the dishes i started yesterday, and i did a chapter of my Unix homework.


cresent rolls

funny movies

caffiene and soda that's on sale

now playing: Nothing, absolutely Nothing. silence is not golden, but sometimes it is a bit sparkley



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