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11 January, 2002 - 7:11 p.m.

I'm very.. hmm something today. blah isn't the right word.

I'm having lots of anxiety about various things today. Lots of worries about school, doubting self-worth stuff.

i'm convincing myself today that i'm worthless, ugly, fat, lazy, scatterbrained and general i can't do anything worth a darn. being really negative about self image stuff, exercizing lots and being careful what i eat, which i guess is good, but it's cuz i feel so big sometimes. i wish i could be a size or two smaller again, bleh.

worried about my teaching class. it's gonna be hard work, and i don't have the clothes i need for it really, and i can't afford new clothes right now. hopefully the kids won't maim me for wearing the same thing twice a week.

i have too many classes and i can't decide which to drop.

i need to clean the house again, i got as far and taking out some of the trash and cleaning the litterbox.

I had a dream about Boy (see oct 2000) last night. I don't rememeber much about it though. I just remember being happy cuz he was living here agian, and was dating some random not-real girl whose name was willow and went by will and she was really nice and fun to hang out with.



boys are frustrating, i should really give up, but i won't




fresh grapefruit juice

backrubs that make you melt


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