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11 January, 2002 - 3:47 a.m.

nothing too exciting, i got my english class i was trying to get, so now i have to decide what class to drop, since i have way too many units.

i saw the squeaky girl at my work!

there was a guy with his 3ish yr. old daughter that me and someone (veganboy i think) ran into a few months back, and her left show has a squeaker in it, his comment that it amuses her, and she's really hard to lose due to her squeaking. they came by my werk and i heard her sqeaking and looked up and it was her. hehe she's soo cute :]

I will take it as a complement that I apparently appear to know what i'm doing and where i'm going. I got asked directions on how to get places about 4-5 times today.



random b!tchy people

being awake at 4am cuz i can't sleep




veganboy. (yay! happpy day, he officially got a job today, go veganboy )



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