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09 January, 2002 - 8:42 a.m.

sunday was kinda sucky, but after work was fun. werk was crazy, i was the only one who knew what they were doing. and i happened to wear heels that day, not expecting to be on my feet that much, and i was running all over the place, so my feet were killing me. tyger picked me up, bringing along his mate shrew. i wasn't expecting this, so it shocked me, but we wandered around places and it was fun, she decided to go visit her other boy though, so after an hour or so, we left and wandered to my house and talked and stuff and that i kicked him out early so i could get sleep. sleep is going to be interesting, i'm so used now to going to sleep around midnight or 1am ish, and now i need to go to sleep around 9-10ish. i've succeeded once so far. i may drop the early class though, the teacher seems to know less than i do, and didn't order books. my other teachers scare me, but that's prolly a good thing, i'll stay intrigued enough to go. ;}

i got to visit lokifox on monday, yay. just for a bit, cuz i was falling asleep. hopefully he wasn't too upset for having to visit when i was half asleep.


hungry a lot lately, and too busy to pay attention if my body is just being weird, or if i'm forgetting to eat, since i'm so busy the last few days, it's prolly forgettting to eat. bleh. i had a bowl of cereal, some rice, and some del taco food yesterday, and that doesn't seem like that little of food, but my tummy was growling around bedtime. I was too sleepy to feed it though

jealousy, jealousy definatly sucks.

i need to find time to clean the house some more, it's getting messy again. (well, not like it wasn't still messy after i cleaned it, but it's getting really bad again)

i didn't do my reading assignment last night.


Visiting and getting lots of hugs

randomly running into friends at school and going out to lunch with them.






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