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22 January, 2002 - 9:39 a.m.

Given my lack of computer brightness, i managed to infect my computer with the chernobyl virus. puter go boom. everything but the MOBO is salvageable though. I got a bunch of new puter bits from Tyger and Shrew (they're spoiling me ) so i have pretty much a new puter. Enough that i think it needs a new name. I was throwing around Dionysis, but i liked the theme i had going, and that only kinda fits. we'll see. i must fiddle with it more.

i Had a nice weekend. I went to Socal with andykitty. then hung out with tyger and shrew sunday, and shrew on monday. MOnday was very nice. It was kinda one of those days, where we were technically being productive (bought puter bits and did laundry) but we were being very leisurely about it. just those two tasks (well, and lunch) took most of the day. but we walked a lot, and chatted. so it was FUN.

the new couch is still in the middle of the living room, no one has found the energy to move it yet.

I seem to be in a better mood as of this weekend.

My rule breaking has met with mixed reactions. overall it's been taken well.


my body is suffering many an injury right now. cuts and bruises from various sources. feh.

i'm hungry and there's little food in the house.

i can't play ddr cuz the couch is in the middle of my playing space


new puter





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