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25 January, 2002 - 12:57 p.m.

I started my TA stuff today. my kids seem great. I got a 6th grade excelled english class. So many hands in the air when questions are asked, it's great. :}

the teacher seems very nice. sh was kinda frazzled today cuz someone broke into the room last night and took a digital camera and the tv and vcr.

my computer is giving me some trouble, grr it doesn't want to keep the sound card installed when i reboot. grrrr. and a game shrew bought me doesn't werk :{ :{

i have to get my picture taken for werk today. blech

oh and i have to talk with him another day, but the v. principle asked me what i do for werk, and i told him i work at a library, and he said they are looking for an aide at the school library, and since i am working thier already, he might be able to give me a job even though i don't have a degree yet. i have to wait till tues to ask him about it more :}


messy house with no time to clean



nifty kids

new fridge in two weeks



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