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04 March, 2002 - 7:04 p.m.

last night was kinda ucky for me.

and i had a nasty headache and i didn't get to sleep any. i've so far managed about 3 hours in naps. i will try to get to sleep early.

Veganboy is sleeping on my bed, and he's snoring :P

i did extra classroom hours today. the kids were insane. they were working on their country reports and running all over the room. it was rather chaotic, but it helped my mood some.

i took a nap when i got home, expecting to be woken up at 5pm by veganboy, except he was suffering insomnia, so called at 2 wanting to come over. We lazed about a bit, then wandered to get him breakfast and get batteries for his camera.

once we got back, we got lots of pictures of me. some normal ones, as well as some of my stunt doubling as a logo, to go on the page.

I tried to get some ot show my new red hair, but it comes out blackish in photos. may try to do some in the outside daylight to see if that will work better.

i've ended up surrounding myself with people for the rest of this week. Tomorrow i am doing stuff with tyger, wed. i am going gothclubbing with lynx, then this weekend i'm prolly doingstuff. and i am hoping to get some time with lokifox in there somewhere....

need more time in the day. or a way to only need to sleep an hour or two a day..


sinus headache that won't go away, and it making me not hungry at all.

needing to do homework, but not doing it.

pondering 42



getting phonecalls from nifty people.

people who keep an eye on you and make sure you stay outta trouble, or at least don't drown in it

working on my website in little bits

really weird movie trailers that frighten you into wanting to watch something, when it's a disney kids movie (the lilo & stitch( i think that's it, lilo or lila or somthing like that..) previews, weeiiiirrrdddddd) poor jasmine..poor belle...

the humourfilled bit of sorrow that nekkidtime becomes outlawed once your past the age of 5..



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