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02 March, 2002 - 10:46 p.m.

finally installed my scanner, yay. too tired to scan what i wanted to.

wrote some poetry. horrid stuff, tried to make it rhyme and such, but i captured the concept i wanted well.

went with veganboy to visit friends today, got fed a yummy dinner and watched an episode of buffy.

veganboy stayed a bit when dropping me off and i got lots of scritchies. yay. i like veganboy, he's nifty :} even without the scritchies factor i like him lots lots lots, but the scritchies ARE real nice :}

ravenclaw emailed me a silly picture of him with his hair all in his face, niftyyay.

I'm really tired.

I've rationalized the eating of the bunny (pink bunnies!) peeps candies. It's okay because they are made from lucky pigs feet, and eating them protests the useage of lucky rabbits feet. cuz you know you have to care more about the cute fuzzy aminals.

I'm tired and i think i am babbling....


I've $11 and some change to last me untill friday, which i THINK (hope) will cover bus and train fare to werk. It'll be $12, and i think i have enough change.

My leg hurts, blech.

I've been sleeping a lot the last few days, naps and such. too much sleeping.



Things sleepily mumbled

the smell of smoke from a just blown out candle


red hair

now playing: eagle-eye cherry - save tonight Incubus - drive



Now Playing: �

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