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02 March, 2002 - 12:10 p.m.

nothing too exciting...

been kinda blah the last two days..

allergy season has officially started, since yesterday i've been sneezing at least once an hour, and that's AFTER downing benydril.

visited with lokifox last night, went to the nickel arcade to expend some energy, then watched some new-to-me anime. i started falling asleep early though.


humans can be kinda inobservant at times, myself included.

allergies suck

having "i'm a fat cow" momments , blech..

being too lazy to install my scanner

i need to visit my sister


DDR, Super puzzle fighter turbo II (craq) and soulcalibur (sp?)

writing and drawing

now playing: shedaisy- lucky 4 you



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