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28 February, 2002 - 10:25 p.m.

thanks to my last entry, i may get the silly privledge of getting a change machine in my living room :} I'd unfortunatly have to supply my own quarters, though with that motivation, i may actually go and get them :}

i was very bad and bought girl scout cookie ice cream today. tsk tsk . but it's so yummy.

blah being bothered by something completely pointless tonight and i want it to stop but it won't. grr. went shopping with veganboy and chickieratgrrl today, and both CRG and me picked up a reeses candy at the same time, intending it for lokifox. I quickly put mine back. for some reason i feel silly for wanting to get it, and even sillier for not wanting to cuz CRG was. I'm sure he wouldn't mine two, but it didn't feel right for some reason. blech. and it's still on my mind hours later. grr. completely pointless.

anyways, was planning ot only hang out with veganboy, CRG was a nice addition, i don't get to see her much. we didn't do anything really, went grocery shopping is all.

i eyed the hair dyes while i was out, i think i'm going to dye again. probably the same red colour i always get, or something near to that. being so near my normal colour is strange.


i'm being all itchy today, wondering if i ate something i'm allergic to and didn't realize it, or if it just dry weather or something to that effect.

having a bunch of books a want to read NOW. and i can't decide which i should start next.

my typeing skills are extra downhill and lacking the connection between brain and fingers. i keep typing things like "i've going ot having a snakc later" not only typoes but verb tence mess ups and conjuntion oopses. someone call tech support, i think my wiring has gone bad or something.

i'm lonely a bit and wanting someone safe sleeping by me, and that's not gonna happen tonight. bleh


cookies? i donno.. i'm struggling for a cheer today

here we go, my cat didn't decimate my stuffies today

the light in my room is sort of giving a mild effect of one of my walls caving in sort of like, leaning over towards the ceiling. i donno if that's really a cheer, but it's an interesting effect.

I before E eccept after C , without which i'd never been able to spell ceiling, and other odd English spelling rule sayings.



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