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07 March, 2002 - 1:12 p.m.

trying to not go insane. ugh. very itchy evil evil thing, chicken pox.. grr

the whole solitary confinement deal i have goin on isn't helping my sanity any, either. want to go do stuff. i need human interaction. blech..

on a good note my teacher for my education class set me up for an incomplete.. so i'll have until the end of next quarter to finish my intern hours and my portfolio and other schoolwork.

mostly i've been watching inu yasha episodes, playing puter games, reading, getting frustrasted with the ending of a book because they cliffhangered it so that the book doesn't have a whole story, it just stops at the climax of the story, i hate that. grrr and sleeping a lot.

i have that annoying metallic taste in my mouth that one sometimes gets when sick. erg, it won't go away..


ITCHY ggrrr


oatmeal baths, and nice people who buy them for you and bring them to you



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