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08 March, 2002 - 9:50 a.m.

argh. first my cd rw drive started going wonky about writing, and now my cd rom drive is making horrid scraping noises and crashing my puter and giving me "device not ready" or saying there is no cd when there is! grrr.....

i'm being whiney and b!tchy a lot...feh

i'm hungry, but anything that sounds yummy requires more cooking than i have energy for.

i'm feeling slightly less itchy today, i think the oatmeal bathes are helping, yay. my feverishness seems to have gone too, which is good.

things that i need to bribe someone to do that i'm going to list here because otherwise i will certainly forget something:

pickup cat food, meds, chips and cookies or other no cooking needed foodstuffs and if i could think of something else yummy and not junk i'd put that, applejuice or berry flavoured juice drink things.

bring me movies to watch

go to bank to get cash to pay for abovementioned goods, or write someone a check in exchange, or something.

hmm i think thats all.... lala la

bookitty looks nifty right now, he's laying on my bed, and i have a crochetted blanket on my window, so there's little spots of light scattered all over him. he's doing a good immpression of a spotted kitty :}


itchy *duh*

i need to do laundry, but i don't know if it's an okay idea for me to do it.. blah


oatmeal baths and calamine

nice get well wishes from friends

the abovementioned friends for putting up with me gripeing about being itchy constantly



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