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09 March, 2002 - 11:56 a.m.

more babbling, sorry.

I had a cruel parent thought. What about nameing a child Me, Or You, or something pronounced the same. Mi, Yu. That'd make life interesting. "it wasn't me(mi) it was you (yu)" "it wasn't me, it was Yu" etc and so forth... Same with any Name based on a word commonly used in a language. Some aren't that bad. useing states for names, Dakota, Carolina. Others it's more of a pain. Autumn and Random are two of the more pesty ones for me, I used to know a Summer too. and weather names are bad too, I've known a Rain, Sunny, and a Storm, hmm and would Shade count in that? Oh and lets not forget a friend of mine who a different times in his life dated Hope, Faith, and Chastity. He Just needs Charity and He'll Have the Whole set.

Okay, I think that's the end of my rant on names. I don't really know the point of it, but oh well.

Painted my nailed this morning, Nifty sparkly Purple colour. My nails are long right now, it's strange. they're still not as long as Veganboy's but they're long for me. they'll break as soon as i go back to werk, but i'll enjoy them while i have them, too bad i have no one to scritch :{

I got it humourously pointed out to me that of those of us that worked this past con, I have the honour of living up to my name there "pestilence". again, Thank you chicken pox.


I have a chicken pock on the palm of my right hand, and it HURTS.


My Cd player doesn't like the brand of blank cd's i bought.




Girlscout cookies.

Friends. (hip-hip-Huzzah!)




FuzzyEva cuz she's cute.

Humour, Yay for Humour. I am Smiling today, this is good :} Humour is my friend, thus, since i've cheered friends already, it gets two mentions today.


Now playing: no Doubt - ex girlfriend, dream - my will



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