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08 March, 2002 - 9:51 p.m.

Third entry for the Day, I'm being Prolific (Read: Bored). One of those rare days I need a Weblog style diary. Sponsored by Chicken Pox (canned applause)

I not Only Got Snackies, But Roomie Brought me Girl Scout Cookies. (Jumps for Joy)

Veganboy Got me the First Ending theme from Inu-yasha On MP3. Yay. I noted today (Read: I was bored enough to look) that i have now progressed to 2.74 Gigs of Mp3's. Go Me :} Not much Compared to some, but when i had Ch0re as my only PC just over a year and a half ago, i had a whole, maybe 50MB, if that, cuz I didn't have room for them :}

Yay, okay. Hmm My day Was kinda Up and Downish today, quite a few interesting discussions, some good some bad.

Ugh. I just got out of the bath about two hours ago, and i stink already from fever sweats. Ick. I don't want to Put on Deoderant Cuz i don't know if it'll harm/help/otherwise effect the chickenpox. Ick. I'm glad i Have an Excuse to tell most everyone to stay away, i'm so icky looking and smelling right now. The only people i've given invite to visit really are Veganboy and Lokifox, (Roomie Doesn't count, she lives here) Cuz they're niftyspecial like that (read: they seem least likely to be offended by my stinking and looking ucky)

Me and Roomie had a fun laugh about my itchyness. She was looking at me, and the reflection in her glasses from the light made it look to her for a second like i'd stabbed myself in the eye with some metallic shiny thing. This lead to jokes too the effect of " I know the itching is bad, but is it really so bad that you have to poke your eye out to distract yourself from it?" Yes, I know we're weird and kinda twisted.

ack! (hops about) I was sitting oddly and my Big toe fell asleep! I hate that, it feels so weird, and i do it so often. when i'm sitting in a chair and i'm barefoot, instead of putting my whole foot on the floor, i'll just put my toes flat and my foot like i'm on tiptoes. and it makes my toes fall asleep if i sit that way for more than a half hour or so.

Hmm I'm rambling.

Hmm I don't remember If I wrote about this yet today, so forgive me if i'm repeating myself, i'm too lazy to check.

My Lovely RedheadedDevilchild little sister, Bob, Got into a car accident and totalled her car. She's okay though.

I love Bob, I'm Glad she's Okay. A Smooshed Bob would be Bad. Like, Egon Bad. She gets to go on a trip to Hawaii to visit family next week. I'm Jealous.


Being worried about peoples


upset tummys


The small joys in life.

Being safe, curled in my blankies with suffies all around me, hiding from the world, AND I HAVE AN EXCUSE! I have to be here! HAH!

Nice roomies who bring you goodies and make you laugh

Venting and ranting and feeling much better afterwards

Now playing: michelle branch, Music from inu-yasha, NIN covers, various good music to lament over



Now Playing: �

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