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10 March, 2002 - 8:33 a.m.

OKay, YOu know you have been watching too much Anime When you have this Dream:

Scene: Futuristic Japan, Some big city, Large University contained completely indoors in a large 30something floor building

Character one: You. First year student, Classic Cute Innocent Girl who for some reason has Green hair

Character two: Cute boy who can fly, fight, and appears to be some sort of cross between human and kitsune/fox, complete with canine style ears, two tails and bratty attitude

The Story: you (yeah you, the cute green haired girl) are miserable. you've just left chemisty. You're failing! how could you be failing, you study, you've always done well before this? To make matters worse, your boyfriend broke up with you and won't tell you why, and refuses to talk to you.

the dean calls you to his office and informs you that if you don't improve, you'll be asked to leave the school, without a refund! (ack, your parents saved for years to get you here!)

you run to your room in tears. YOu sit by the window and stare at the rainstorm that started this morning.

SUddenly Mysterious Boy pops into room. Girl screams, naturally, a boy is in her room! ..and He has Puppy ears and a tail, no two tails?!... Boy throws struggling Girl over shoulder, explaining he has to get her out of there, and opens window and flys out. Boy almost gets hit by lightening bolt.

(Enter scene two: Eerie Glen)

Boy Deposits Girl on ground with a thud, while girl is screaming about how dare he kidnap her and such and is he going to kill her.

Boy says "Kill you? I'm trying to save you?!"

Girl "...huh?.."

Turns out Girl has power, girl's mood changes the weather. Girl unhappy, it storms, girl happy, is sunny and clear. Dean of school is not really dean of school, is monster pretending to be dean to control girl adn make girl unhappy, so that he can kidnap her and ruin her life and make everyone in japan miserable!

girl goes EEP., then thwaps boy for kidnapping her.

such fighting continues, deanmonster finds them, gets girl back, hides her in basement of school, boy gets girl back in fight, so on and so forth. Boy and girl fall for eachother, of course, but hate eachother too.

Girl starts learning how to use power to her advantage.

(here is where i wake up and ponder dream) and yes, i know i changed pronoun/ POV in the middle of telling that :P a lot of this is due to how much inu yasha i've been watching lately. all the required things for a takahashi storyline, a love hate relationship, a strange boy. granted the cute girl was older than normal, but heh, something has to be different :} the puppy ears thing is prolly cuz i have "Mama! Kagome hugged the Puppy boy!" from inu yasha stuck in my head. Why two tails? Do i have to answer that? hmm partly from inu yasha again... The weather controling power was purely my brain being weird as far as i can think of, unless you want to blame Zeus and Hera for the whole boy getting zapped at kidnapping thing, but that's greek legend, not Anime, so :P

Okay, i'm going to try to go back to sleep now, though now it's 9am since i spent all this time typing this out before i forgot...



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