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11 March, 2002 - 11:28 a.m.

I was very naughty yesterday. I Left the house. I had roomie drive me to the ATM ot get cash to pay back what she and Veganboy bought me while i was first sick. But then Roomie Drove past the New target that Opened yesterday. She had to go in, Which means I had to go in, or sit in the car for a awhile. I was bad, I chose ot go in. I was go, tried not to touch people/things. Roomie got one of the new Big Kids carseats for the toddling monster. and new shoes for her as well. I ended up getting a playstation game, and a hello kitty plush keychain with a duckie suit.

My second Naughty was Inviting Lokifox over to play DDR. Was very very nice to see him though.

Hopefully neither of my naughties will result in anyone getting sick, since i might still be contagious a little bit. BUt then, I suppose it's not that much worse than Roomie leaving with all my icky germs on her every day and going to work in a kids store...

My dad's told me he's going to be up here for work around the 19th. He wants to visit for a bit if i can. I shall have to see...

I think today I am going to continue my Bad streak and actually do Laundry. I'm Not as contagious now, and i'm going crazy staying in the house. I don't want to get anyone sick with the small chance that i could, but this is my cleanlyness and sanity at stake. Getting someone else to do it at this point wouldn't be much better, so..

La La La. Lesse, Do i have anything else to write about.

Veganboy Left his Phone here on saturday, and Still hasn't come to get it. hopefully he will today. I want to be able to get ahold of him. I wanted to call him last night, i was awake late, but he wasn't online, and i didn't want to call his house fone and wake up CRG at 3am, that would make her highly unhappy, particularly if he wasn't there, and his cellphone is here, so can't call that :P


Dumb chicken pox, i can't get scritchies right now :P And i look all Spotty :P At least the itchy is mostly gone.

Now that i'm done being sick feeling, my allergies came back (sneeze)

There are Birds Twttering outside my window, I am resentful. I will think of the scene From shrek where the birdy's head blows up. Hmph :}

the Kitchen Stinks. Dishes are all dirty. this is Rommie's job, but how much suffering do i want to go through for stubborness? I can't really do my part (cleaning the rest of the kitchen) when there are dishes everywhere...


Silly pointless conversations.



Sparkly Beads.

Inu Yasha. (up to 34 now)

Now playing: Disney- yo ho it's a pirates life for me, newfound glory - back that @ss up, fukai mori(theme from inu yasha)



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