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12 March, 2002 - 12:17 a.m.

I did do laundry today. I washed my comforter in the bathtub too, since it's too big to fit in the washers and dryers here... well it fits, kinda, but of course, i forgot it takes two days to dry, so i have to use my other blankie tonight, oh well....

i am tired right now, but it is only body tired, brain is awake, but i don't want to move..

the new version of the mp3 player i use, which i got when i got my new puter, is a memory sucker, and it has an annoying box when you close it. i am trying winamp to see how i like it, so far the only good thing is the nifty skins... veganboy said if i end up not liking it, he has the older version of the one i like with the install file, so i can get that from him.

Had a visit from the landlady. apparently bookitty has been sneaking in through a neighbours kittydoor and catching naps on her bed. Silly cat. There are no ill feelings it seems though, the neighbour in question was just concerned as to whether he had a home.


Being sicker than i thought still, in a way, I got totally exhausted just from sorting and starting laundry and hand hashing the comforter, i needed a nap afterwards.

Balancing acts.

Dumb computer programs that don't work right


Glowy warm feelings

Silly Cute Drawings

Thinking about stuff that makes you smile

Ramen Noodles.

Now playing: Rammstein - stripped, aqua - barbie girl



Now Playing: �

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