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06 May, 2002 - 6:50 a.m.

Why am i awake? I just went to bed at around 2am, and now it's just before 7 and i'm awake. i don't have to be awake for another two hours. Feh. I'm really awake too. so i doubt i'll be able to fall back asleep. I'll get sleepy around noon, when i get to work :P

I had a lot of fun yesterday. Work was busy, But not as bad as it could have been. Someone didn't show up, didn't call, nothing. But everyone else handled it for the most part, so i just had to deal with the regular sunday busy. and the loud music from down the street and the cinco de mayo festival.

I called veganboy after work, Because he told me to remind him to look for some books he lost. He was bored i think, and asked if i wanted to do anything, being it was hot out and he couldn't sleep. We ended up decideing to go to a 7pm showing of Spiderman. We wandered to the theatre where i used to work and got tickets. veganboy hung around in the line of people waiitng to get in, and i went to grab fast food dinner. Got in to the movie and they were having 'technical difficulties', so we did the required booing and sat around since they said it would be only a few minutes. they started the previews in the middle, so probably the film snapped/melted. it finally actually started around 7:20 i think. Movie was good, i liked it. I couldn't help but sit and wonder that he knew that he was like that because the spider bit him, so why didn't he got talk to the lab people, but i suppose he didn't want to become human experiment boy. While i was in the movie i got two calls (yes i had my fone sound turned off and no i didn't answer them during the movie) One from Somebody, whom i'd talked to earlier and knew she was prolly just leaving a msg. about something, and an unknown number, which i didn't worry about. Checked voicemail after movie got out, and the unknown number calling turned out to be lokifox, who was at the nickel arcade nearby, so me and veganboy went there to surprise him. Hung out till closeing there with him, his new mate, and a friend of his i'd met once (twice? i don't remember) before. Ended up talking in the parking lot and having a scritchfest for a bit, and then wandered to my place to place DDR for a bit, they eneded up leaving around 1:30am, except veganboy, who stayed and slept on my couch. He didn't wanna go home and bribed me with a ride to work this morning so I wouldn't have to be up early ( I think i cheated myself on that one, since i'm up anyways)


Sneezing. Allergies. Pollen, all that sort of stuff.

Being awake before 9am.


Getting to hang out with veganboy. I haven't been doing that enough lately. I'm used to seeing him at least twice a week, and the only other time i've hung out with him really for more than a little bit was at con.

Hanging out with people and having fun in general. People and fun are both good thing.



Hair to play with. I'm so fickle, All my friends must have nifty hair that is fun to play with. I'm a shallow fickle b!tch, yup that's me. (Someone i was talking to a week or so ago, forget who, was actually upset by this, oh well, too bad for them, that's not something about me that's going to change after all these years)


My cat.


Lokifox's cuteness. That darned thing where some people have that defence mechinism of being disgustingly addorably cute when they are sleeping. He fell asleep on my bed last night while me and his friend and veganboy were all out in the living room talking about anime, and he curled up with my uras' stuffie. it was soooo cutteeeeeee


Now playing: Nothing!!!!!!! Music is off. Though I have one of the songs from DDR stuck in my head.



Now Playing: �

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