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10 May, 2002 - 9:30 a.m.

things are kinda blah.

I need to start packing.

Got to finally work with the new girl at work, i was her trainer yesterday. She seems interesting.

I had fun last night. I needed distraction, so me, veganboy and CRG went to Dinner in japantown, and then wandered to veganboy's sisters house, then to walmart where i bought a silky dress thing to wear at con, and CRG bought an awesome huge playground ball, in bright purple. we off course had to go give it a test run, so spend some time at hte playground near my house. discoverd that a) one of the twisty slides launched the ball rather nicely b) swinging on the swings and having someone roll the ball to you and kicking it with the motion of the swing creates extra force and a nice angle to hit the ball, causing it to fly nicely, and how the playground was build, it came back to us somewhat so we didn't have to run after it much :}


couldn't fall asleep last night. started trying around 11ish i think, fianlly fell asleep around 3am, and was wide awake by 8, of course. I as tired, but i wasn't, and my throat is bugging me. so i'd try to lay down and sleep for a bit, then get up and read or play games. Everyone I knew online was either asleep or idling, the traitors, I had no one to talk to. :} Sleep is not overratted, So i suppose i'll have to forgive everyone :}

I need boxes. Small ones for putting heavy things in that are easy to carry.

Cat broke the screen and got out. can't open window till screen is fixed, I'm lazy, i'm sure it'll be warm enough today that i'll want to get out there and fix it so we can have circulation...

people who call way too early in the morning, when you normally would be asleep, but you are awake, so you can't yell at them for calling so early and waking you up. I should start turning my fone off before i go to bed, but then i worry about what if someone actually important called during while i was asleep(ie: any actual friends, and not my landlord, which is who called this morning at 8:30)

Hmm there was something else i was gonna say, but then my cat jumped on my back and totally scared me, so cats who think humans make good launchpads.

that i really messed up the grammer and spelling on the above the first time i typed it.



Ursas stuffies.

My extra fluffy pillow


playgrounds in abovementioned park. played lots last night, fun fun.





Meowyum, even.

Journals, both online and paper

Now playing: MIchele branch- all you wanted, Smile.DK - Boys, Nirvana - smells like teen spirit, Parody- Ugly girl



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