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10 May, 2002 - 10:07 p.m.

posting frenzy. Heh.

I WAS going to try to pack today.

I ended up doing laundry.

then i went to the nickel arcade with woofie and his brother. we introduced his brother to ddr. and I did good, i got a few songs where i got more than 100 combo. woofie hadn't played in a bit, so he kept failing songs though :P

Then I can home and fiddled with my website some. Moved a few things around and change a bit. Nothing big though.

THen i watched "say anything". It's sucha cuuuutteeeee movie. and john cusack is such a cutie :} Yum. i freaked myself out a bit afterwords because i turned on the stereo and the song "in your eyes" from the movie was on the radio.


I really should start packing.

I forgot about my stuff in the dryer and it's after 10, so it's too late to get it, so i'll have to wait til morning.


I finally got trillian to werk. Yay. less clutter on my desktop.

now playing: The Oompa Loompa song- Tv Chorus, Dramarama- anything anything, new found glory- Cover of "heaven" by warrant



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