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12 May, 2002 - 7:07 a.m.

Again, with the wakefulness at obscene hours of the morning. I think my internal clock needs rewiring. I didn't go to bed till 3ish, and was up at 6:30. Dumb Body.

Anyways. Mostly sat around the first part of yesterday. Did a little bit of chores, and i scribbled an hour or so. I didn't draw anything i liked though. I gave up after a bit and just kinda litterally brainlessly doodled. Some of the patterns I ended up making were kinda interesting, but that's about it.

3-ish i packed up DDR and wandered over to lokifox's house for his bday gathering. It was fun to see people. I hadn't seen a few of the people there in quite a while. We sat around and chatted, then played DDR. A few people there had never played or only played once or twice before, so we got them addicted of course. :D Around 10 or 11ish we ended up getting bored and ended up somehow on purity scores, so we did a group purity test. We were a nicely rounded group, a few Innocents, and Few highly corrupt, and a few in the middle. Mine was 43.8% pure i think? (tries to look innocent 0:)) We were nice and didn't announce answers except volunteerly, and that usually with a perverted comment of some sort, or "that one's fun" and "I should try that!" type things. and I Got to help Lower someones Purity. Yay Me. :} Collars and leashes are fun. :} Heh.


Either my allergies are ebing really bad or i'm getting a cold. Blech.

Being confussed. Life can throw interesting things at you sometimes.

Wanting to hang out with veganboy, and he's going to seattle (it's 7:30am, did i spell that right?) for a few days, leaving soonish.

wanting to talk about something, and not being able to





Cute Beanie baby kitty staring down at me from atop the monitor, which i "stole" from loki's friend-who-i-can't-think-up-a-good-journal-name-for from the other night. I have a hostage, Yay :} I'm Treating it Nicely, petting frequently, nice warm spot atop the monitor. High spot safe away from my cat the stuffie murderer.

Idle ponderings.

Mskeing people purr. I ended up giving quite a few backrubs yesterday.


Now playing: ministry- every day is halloween, monty python - knights of the round table, mtx- even hitler had a girlfriend so why can't i



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