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14 May, 2002 - 7:48 a.m.

Wee. my roomie got a little bit scratched up, my cat bit me during an aftershock, and all my things on the wall ended up crooked.. woo.... Nothing like a good 5.2 earthquake to keep you on your toes. Heh. got the required calls from those out of state going into panic. assured everyone i was okay. just a bitty quake, enough that i was awake on adrenaline the next 2 hours, Dumb planet, disturbing my sleep :P my main stress was being nervous untill i found out where the epicenter was, i am more used to being in areas where a little shake up like last nights means there was a much worse one somewhere else in the state. There was a hockey game going on and suppossedly there was so much shaking from the game that a lot of people didn't know about it till after the game was over. Heh.

I miss tornadoes in illinois, YOu expect those, so you have an excuse to hide in the basement and play cards all night and be social. it's an excuse to throw a social gathering, pretty much :}

My body is still being weird. i woke up early again today, after only 5 hours sleep. Feh. doesn't my body realize it needs sleep?


Having to go around straightening pictureframes

toddling monster crying for a good while last night, since it was her first quake...

I miss veganboy


Veganboy comes back today. I might go to dinner with him and Rkitty (boy-yet-to-be-named-and-being-called Rkitty-till-i think something better, cuz rkitty is less words :P) tonight after work, they are both 'possed to call me later. I will be highly let down if they both can't join me and i have to sit at home alone tonight being bored.


I thought i was late for work yesterday and i wasn't. I normally go in at noon on mondays, but my schedule is all weird the next two weeks from her trying to shift people around to deal with me being gone to go to con next week and someone else moveing and then someone else going on vacation :P so i was possed to not be in till 1pm. so i was a half hour early instead of late and had no idea what to do for a half hour :}

my bit of sleep i did get was really good, I did the whole "oh, that's the sun, it's morning, how did that happen?" thing :}

I need to find something nifty to do next monday, I asked to come in late that day since i would prolly be tired from the con meeting sunday, and she asked if it was okay to just give me the day off. less money for me, but oh well.

It's almost Con. Yay :} And i Actually have Money! I'll have to see how much my paycheck thiscoming friday is, because I can't remember how many hours i did for sure, but if it's around what i think it is, i'll have about an extra $200(excluding moeny spent on food and such, i actually have $260 set aside right now) to spend at Con. $40 is going to CPG for the dishcleaning, cuz she wanted it for Con money, so i'm giving it to her there. Yay.

Now playing: New found glory- The goodbye song, Lords of acid- Young boys, KMFDM - anarchy, NIN- kinda i want to



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