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15 May, 2002 - 6:56 p.m.

Yay! Rugrat got my ryho-oki stuffie to work! (bounce) it's sooo sooo nifty :}

blah. sick. coughing. headache. not too bad but enough to be annoying, and the headache bothered me enough that i decided to not got to werk.

veganboy is sick too and feeling a lot worse than me, poor thing. so last night i ended up just meeting up with Rkitty and we hung out and watched chobits.


rugrat tortured me with the knowledge that there's a poor helpless lonely SPF2T game sitting in the back of a friends truck. poor poor game. It needs love and companionship.

wanting thai food, but being too lazy to walk there since they blocked of the back entrance to the train station


spending a day doing absolutly nothing.


people who make me giggle

teddy bears




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