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17 May, 2002 - 10:01 a.m.

(Shudder) One of the creepy homeless guys was hitting on me at work yesterday. Ick. I told security and they had a little talk. ick ick ick.

I bought a new cute shirt yesterday, Yay. I'm pretty much to hte point where i have enough clothes that i like that i only have to do washing once a week. I'm glad i have the money to buy clothes now. for such a long time everything i had was falling apart. plus a lot of my tops were just cheap t shirts cuz that's all i could afford, so i didn't really have anything i thought i looked nice in. It's a pretty nice feeling now to have shirts where i feel good wearing them. Yay.

it feels kinda weird not to be standing in long lines for star wars this year. i got advanced tickets for all the re releases and ep. 1 I do want to see it, but I am so busy with everything else. I will probably try to find someone to go see it with me monday. If i go during the daytime it will be fairly empty probably.

Since i have to go in to work saturday for a meeting anyways, i asked if i could hang around for an extra hour or two and work on projects, so i will make up some of the hours i missed wed.

I snagged some small boxes from work. they are perfect for packing i can put heavy stuff in them and they will hold up and be light enough to carry easy. I need to actually start packing. I haven't really done anything yet other than go through and throw out some junk i never use, so there is less to pack. I will hopefully work on that some today.


People are too obsessed with s&x.

I ran out of dayquil :P i need more before i start coughing again.





Being brave and actually going to sercurity about the creepy guy at work.

mystery presents

Now playing: Blur- boys and girls, incubus- wish you were here, monty python- always look on the bright side of life, oingo boingo- can't see (useless)



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