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18 May, 2002 - 7:31 a.m.

*yawn* it's too early to be up when i don't wanna. I actually have work, in the morning, i need to leave soon, at 7:45 to get there. bah. Meeting. I hate meetings.

rugrat's mystery gift was... a 3rd mix DDR facing(or whatever the termonology is...)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the sign on the front of the game that says what it is!! :} very nifty. Even roomie thought it was cool, and she doesn't like the game :} I have no clue what to do with it, it's huge. I'll have to find somewhere to stick it once i move. it's really nifty, and fairly useless. Yay :} hehehe.

Otherwise yesterday all i did was go get laundry quarters and cold meds, do laundry and visit with Rkitty. watched the rest of chobits (need more chobits, it's so cuuuututteeee) and watched shrek. I need to make him watch dark crystal eventually, he's never seen it.


I keep forgetting to go to the post office.

now playing: NIN- kinda i want to, theme from inuyasha- fukai mori, tom lehrer-masochism tango



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