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18 May, 2002 - 10:49 p.m.

meeting was interesting. found out a lot about the new location we're moving to, and discussed some suggestions for changes and stuff. Ended up agreeing to work full time for the month of June. Money Yay. My socialness will suffer, but oh well, It's just for a month. A lot of the work will be special projects instead of regular work, and the projects we are working on right now, i like, so that's good.

I actually packed two boxes of stuff today. Yay. and i cleaned the litterbox (eeww it really needed it, stinky..) and i cleaned out some drawers and such. Oh and i dusted. I can actually see my puter screen clearly now :D

Veganboy and CRG brought me Chobits 5-7 and their cute selves over, and we went out to have food. we pondered seeing starwars, but i was kinda tired, and so was veganboy, so we are going to go see it monday evening.

OUCH! (whimper) I'm such a clutz. my nails are pretty long and sharp right now, and i just accidently clawed myself in the arm :P ugh. i'm talented, what can i say. at least i didn't poke my eye out or something...


Being pouty and lonely right now. i could prolly call someone and drag them over for company and cuddles, but i feel more like wallowing in a pool of depressing self negativity this evening.


My arm hurts. it a weird spot too, i think i must hurt a tendon or something, it hurts right below the shoulder joint, on my arm. usually when i hurt my shoulder from overworking it, it's more my shoulder that hurts, not the arm itself.

My dumb sound card and trillian, whom are argueing about which is more important, the silly soulds trillian makes to tell me people are online, or my music. it keeps going loud for a second when i open and close other windows , too :P


Kitties who put up with you snuggling them for more than 2 seconds before running away.

said kitty who is sound asleep in his customary nighttime sleepy spot on the corner of my bed exactly where i used to put my feet before he stole it. why i let him get away with that, i don't know.




Now playing: round table-let me be with you, wheatus- a little respect, linkin park- papercut



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