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20 May, 2002 - 3:29 p.m.

Blah. I'm in a fairly grumpy mood today. started out okay. but i wanted to do some stuff today that i don't want to now, cuz it's raining.

and other stuffs bugging me, and being stressed, and worried and blah.

My mood has been kinda hanging on a thread the last few days, the tiniest little thing really changes it.

feeling kinda lonely, everyone is busy, myself included. blah. I got to lay down and cuddle with CRG and veganboy some yesterday at the meeting, which was nice. Was hoping to get more cuddles today, but my two prime targets have been asleep all day. Sleep is good, so i can't really whine, but i'm feeling so whiny, so Blah. Mew.

I could be heading over to veganboy's house now, but it's pouring rain. ick. rain soaked kitty not good.

the only really productive thing i've done today is called up and set up stuff moving stuff with the fone company. I sifted through a few things, but didn't really pack anything.

work tomorrow and wed. and then thursday i pick up grinninggirl at the airport and we head to con. Yay Con.


I feel kinda dumb. Somebody asked me to answer questions at the con meeting, and i kinda knew the answers, but i wasn't totally sure of myself, so i totally fumbled over them. I'm really worried now that i'm not ready to deal with my new responcibilities there this year.

Rain. I didn't want rain today.


Pizza. really good pizza, even.

Veganboy made me a sticker that says "Good Kitty!" it's stuck on my wall, cuz it's not got enough stick that it will stay on my monitor long, though I'm tempted to glue it, cuz i don't have any presents from him stuck to it yet :}

Cute Gofers. cute weasels. Mew. cute kitties!

Now playing: TMBG-someone keeps moving my chair, Offspring-I wanna be sedated, MTX- some foggy mountain top



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