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21 May, 2002 - 9:09 a.m.

Movie was Fun. I want to see it again. It was just me and Veganboy and CRG, cuz Rkitty wasn't feeling well. We had to stand in line for seats out in the rain, but of well, it wasn't too bad, we had an umbrella.

I pretty much crashed once i got home though, movie got out just before ten, and i was asleep before 11.

I had some really weird dreams, though now i don't remember them very well. I know i had one dream where I was moved, and Shrew and Tyger left for some reason and weren't going to be back for a week, and the computers weren't set up yet, and they said i had ot set everythign up, nevermind that i'd have no clue what i was doing. I had this computer with a big big screen, and i was trying ot set it up, and no matter how i set the settings for display, the background and text were so similar in colour that you could barely see anything, and it only had a set of preset combonations you could set :P I had a manual that was huge and it said there should be other options, so i started talking to the puter, pointing to the book and trying to convince it that it wasn't giving me all the options it should.

and then i woke up, and my puter was crashed and wouldn't boot from the hard drive :P Grrr. I just shut it off for a bit and turned it back on and it worked, so it's fine now though, hopefully it won't be a future problem, i haven't tried rebooting yet though, so :}

I don't remember the other dream that woke me up, but it was just one of those ones when it is so out there, you know it's just a dream. I think i was on some sort of space station or other big metal enclosure...

two days till con, Yay. Mew.


Rain when you have to be out in it.

that i did pretty much nothing of value towards moving yesterday.

I have to go to work soon.



Friends to cuddle up with at the movies.


watching rugrat be all bouncy

nowplaying: Nothing, though i have weird al's YODA song in my head...



Now Playing: �

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