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31 May, 2002 - 7:46 a.m.

I'm still feeling uppity today. Maybe I should do something for anysize soon (chuckle)

My poor cell phone! It's got a booboo! I missed my pocket and it went skittering to the ground, in just the right place to cause CRG, who was walking next to me to not be able to avoid kicking it down the sidewalk. The face is scratched up now, and one of the sides is scratched a bit :{

I took CRG to see my new house yesterday, she likes it. Yay. Hopefully she will visit me muchly. It was nice to hang out with her again.

My cat did something extrodinarily silyl last night. He hopped up to my desk (where he knows he's not 'possed to be) and stole a price sticker from something and ran off so fast you'd think he's stolen a piece of salmon or something. I almost hurt myself laughing. Cats are good, they make you laugh and stuff :} I'm nervous about hte move for his sake. He's not happy about hte Mo and Shadow kittyish smelling bit of cloth (a pillowcase from hte pillow Mo sleeps on) that tyger brought over. he's sniffed it unhappily a few times, and is avoiding it. Good thing though is he's started taken to a jump from the floor to my bed that lands him right on my keyboard if i'm using it, so i put it on the floor where he was jumping from and now he's going around by the foot of the bed :} yay, kitty psychology tool! Hopefully he'll just ignore the new kitties too :} I can hope :}


Guys that are more of a feminist than I am scare me! there is a guy at work, yesterday, that was placing our "property of.." stickers over the bubbies on the covers of all the european magazines since it's "degrading to women" I pointed out that they put naked guys on the cover of that particular one too, and he just gave me a weird look :}

I need to work on packing.



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Now reading- The body project by joan jacobs brumberg



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