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01 June, 2002 - 8:10 a.m.

Grrr I had something i was going to write about here that i thought of right before i went to bed, but i was too tired, so i figured i'd write about it in hte morning, and now i've forgotten what it was, of course.

I'm supposed to start moving stuff today, Adventure.

Yesterday me and shrew went around the house and dusted everything. We talked a lot while we were dusting and I brought drinks and lunch for us both since she forget a bit about the fact that there is none in the new house :}We may not get a fridge until next friday , so we are borrowing veganboy's minifridge.

Me, shrew, tyger and veganboy all met up for dinner. Yay. It was yummy, though the place we went was loud so there wasn't as much talking, since you had to shout to be heard almost.

We got most of the new house yucky smell out, though it still may come back if we close all the windows long enough. nothing like the scent of new carpet, new paint and glue and such.


not really being ready to move.

allergies. I've been waking up in the middle of the night with trouble breathing if i don't take medicine before going to bed. :P and or course taking the meds just before bed sometimes makes it so i can't sleep :P


lemonade made with fresh lemons. A co-worker brought in two grocery bags worth from a tree in her yard. MMM. Yum.

The DSL at the new house is installed and working. No puter there yet, though that should be fixed soon.

Having a kitchen counter large enough that i can sit on it and not be in the way of the other person in the kitchen

now playing: papa roach- broken home, MTX- my new girlfriend, SES- Love



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