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01 June, 2002 - 10:05 p.m.

Woohoo. at new house. Dsl go vroom. I like. Hehehe :} I ended up being able ot get so much moved today that i just ended up yanking my puter and bringing it over to the new place, and i'll prolly just keep on staying here. I still have about 20-30% of my things at the old place, and the kitty is still there cuz i don't wanna have him here untill everything is moved. there's no one else here yer, the 1st floor is mostly empty. It's kinda weird. I took the chance to sweep and such. I unpacked a lot of stuff already. It looks like, well, my room, minus some things. I've a few things elsewhere, It strange having the room to put stuff elsewhere. i had a few things stuffed here and there at old roomies, but there's things i've always kept in my room that are going elsewhere. having the puter in another room in strange. It leaves me so much more room in my room itself though. I will end up spending more time in the puter room than my room for a change prolly.


I forgot to pack the painkillers! my back hurts from all the packing and lifting and unpacking, and the stairs are going ot take some getting used to, i have a feeling my legs will hurt tomorrow.

there's little food and no cooking stuff. tonights dinner: ramen. I have applesauce and instant mashed taters left before i'm all outta food. must shop tomorrow, and bring a pan and a plate over...

No trash can.

being very much tired at 10pm, though i did wake up at 7am this morning so i could get some errands and packing done


getting a lot done today.

DSL go vroom.


Having so many friends to help move :}

the fancy oven, i read the manual, the thing does everything! I'm almost afraid to read the manuals for the microwave and the dishwasher. the dishwasher i can figure out, the mircowave will actually require reading.

Bookittys paw isn't infected, he just split a nail and got gunk in it. He REALLY didn't like going to the vet today after all the other weirdness with moving and stuff. I think it was seeing me pack stuff into boxes all morning and then getting put in a box himself that did it. he downright attacked the poor vet :{ but he's okay, so yay for that :}

Now playing: switchblade symphony-witches, Queen- fat bottomed girls, Naoki- hysteria



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