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04 June, 2002 - 9:43 a.m.

Tyger set the fone up to be installed yesterday, and the guy cut the dsl line to install the fone! Poor tyger had to deal with lots of dumb people. They got it fixed, but the only jack that worked was the kitchen. another tech that hadn't been told the dsl was fixed came by this morning, and i mentioned that nothing worked other than the kitchen, so he fixed that. No charge, and the other guy should have done it! all the inside wiring was set up, it just hadn't been hooked up in the outside box. I haven't tried the one they really had trouble with though, it tried to eat the fone cord when i tested it once, so i'll just leave it alone. All the other ones in the house work now :} the guy today was very helpful. I will actually keep his card. :} I moved the fone upstairs since that is where i am mostly so far. I can move it once everyone else starts moving in. It's cordless, so it can go downstairs if it needs to. I just don't want to fall down the stairs running for the fone. running upstairs for the fone and falling up the stairs is much less damaging usually.

I read the manual for the microwave. It's just as frigthening as the oven!

I went and got a few more things on sunday, key things like a hairbrush, tylonol, a frying pan and some food.

I still have more to move, and i am still unpacking stuff here.

yesterday I worked very early, and stayed an extra hour since the new girl didn't show up (she keeps doing that, so she might not be there long) I went to lunch with rkitty and then we wandered to my house and hung out for a bit.


Rkitty stole the kitty stuffie back :{

It was on my shelf next to my bed and now it's not. Grr. Oh well. Was his anyways.

There was a concert I kinda wanted to go to that i didn't get to go to.

I miss veganboy, I haven't seen him since saturday.

For so many people, myself included, self esteem/self worth is so connected to physical appearance. I've gotten better at least. The thought that physical appearance that's attractive to someone has to fit in this tiny little framework (literally nowaday, tiny waif models...) and anything outside that isn't attractive. Thinking that any little flaw ruins the whole. thinking that physical characteristics are the only thing that makes someone attractive. It's all BS. There are so many things that people like, and "perfect" is different in everyones mind. And besides, If everyone was all one idea of "perfect", they'd all be the same, and where's the fun in that. I Personally like all the little differences in people.


Hot cocoa mixed with coffee at 8am.

Fluffy Kitties

Knowing that some things just arn't really important and recoginising what things are important, at least to some degree.

warm blankies

wandering around and getting to know my new neighbourhood.

Now playing: BoA-every heart, Noir- copperia no hitsugi, LoFiAllStars- Battleflag



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