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08 July, 2002 - 6:05 p.m.

Yay. my daddoo sent me a laptop. i should get it wed. yay. he gets a brand new one, so i get his old one. yay :} Heh.

i kinda wanna go do something tonight, but i think everyone is all busy.

i'll prolly just end up reading.

hmmm i'm hungry, i should eat. I think i'm starting a trend at werk. i bring marie calender's potpies to werk as my lunch, and people have been asking me what i'm eating and stuff, and now two other people think they are a good lunch idea :} they are a good yummy lunch. Hmm what do i want for dinner? la la la... i donno. maybe a grilled cheese sandwich, or an avocado sandwich. something sandwichy. or maybe ramen, ramen actually almost sounds appetising, which is odd. hmm or mashed taters.. hmm can you tell i'm hungry? :}



Is too hot out.



laptops that work :}

cheesy 80's movies



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