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08 July, 2002 - 6:48 a.m.

nothing too exciting. went to the movies with shrew, tyger and lokifox on saturday. worked on sunday. had a nasty meanie in the pool employees, she thought she was god or hitler or something, telling everyone what to do and getting down their throats if they stood still for 5 seconds. i think everyone looked about ready to knock her over the head with a reference book, particularly since she wasn't doing anything other than playing 'puter games. ugh. it was a remarkably slow sunday though. i came home and napped, and almost wandered around with lokifox some more, but i was tired.

CRG was gonna call me yesterday when she got in. i'm guessing they got in late, cuz neither of them have been online yet. I wannna hear all about the fun trip i missed cuz of stupid werk and not being able to get sunday off. grrr.


ugh 7am, and i'm about to head out to werk.

laundry is a neverending cycle

my mp3 portable player doesn't seem to think rechargable batteries exist.







Now Playing: DM- somebody, bad religion- quality or quantity, tool- sober, silverchair- freak (remix for rejects) �

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