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05 July, 2002 - 10:22 p.m.

Heh. I got to see the fireworks last night from my home. I sat on tyger's bed and watched the ones at the fairgrounds (GREAT view) and then moved to shrew's room to watch the ones downtown. they did another display at the fairgrounds tonight, which i half watched from my window.

visited with aunty today. I showed her my house, and she laughed cuz my house is fancier than my dad's :D we wandered downtown for lunch, then to japantown to wander. I bought some candies and yakisoba. Yum. I got sunburned a bit though. :{ at one point, aunty and i got talking about playstation and games , and i told her about DDR, so when we got back to the house, I showed her it, and she tried it. she likes it :} Hehhehe.

She was a bit in awe of our geek room, particularly when we told her all of the puters are ones we built ourselves, that sort of boggled her :} she tried to steal the animaniacs toy i have on my monitor. I had to promise to build her a puter next time i'm out in chicago to get her away from it :}



missing friends. i would like to try to visit rkitty and lokifox soon. maybe try to get people together to play ddr somewhere...


all of my laundry is done! I don't think i've had that happen in like 2 years. :}

I put away a few more things in my room today, only one more box left, basically.



Now Playing: something playing on shrew's puter, and the sounds of her playing evercrack �

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