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04 July, 2002 - 6:30 p.m.

Today has been good so far. I'm tired though, going to take a nap soon. tyger, shrew, and shrew's parents were going to the mall to wander around, and i got invited. I wanted to go to the movie theatre to see some movies, so i talked to CPG and she wanted to see powerpuff girls too, see i invited her to go with. we all went to breakfast and then to the mall, where we split up. the movie was soooooooo cute. It was fun going with CPG cuz we're both kinda silly at movies (and in general) we had to walk in the bike lane to get to the theatre, and we both pretended to be on bikes :} after the movie got out we wandered around. i found a cool shirt, and she found a cool dress on clearance $18 instead of the original $80, so i gave her the extra few dollars she didn't have for it. it looked SOOOO cute on her. :} it's a plaid bodice, and a black skirt with zippers all over it. :} we met up with everyone else again and hung out for a bit, then wandered home. CPG went home, and now everyone else is playing games downstairs, and planning to go to the fireworks show later. I am hiding up here :} the mall and a movie theatre full of kids is enough social exposure for one day, thank you.


Tired (yawn)


hanging out with CPG

finding nifty clothes

watching kitties chase a spot of light reflected off of a watch.



Now Playing: Nothing, yet again. �

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