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04 July, 2002 - 1:48 a.m.

la la la

I haven't been eating enough the last few days. averaging about one meal a day. I think mostly cuz it's been so darned hot out. I just don't feel hungry at all. I keep telling my brain i should eat, but my tummy says it's not hungry.

Messing around with Ch0re some, she's pretty much dead now i think. poor little laptop, no more brain. I need to save up for a new one i guess...

today was pretty boring. i sat around and read most of the day. worked the rest of the day. talked to aunty, she's in town, she wants to hang out friday.

i'm going to just sit around tomorrow (today technically) and do laundry and stuff. doing chores and laundry seems pretty patriotic to me...

it's 2 am . i am totally awake. no one else it up or online. oh well. I should try to go to sleep soon i guess. i want to play DDR, but i don't want to wake anyone up.


computers that don't work and not having the money to get new ones or working bits.

pondering going to dinner with someone, then figuring you'll prolly sleep soon, so not doing so, then being awake for 4 more hours


getting to change the picture on my inu yasha calender


getting to ride home on the train with a bunch of co workers who took the train to avoid the crowds near work going to the festival.


my bosses otter stuff, even though she thinks both me and another coworker are really weird cuz we go to her desk just to pet it :}




Now Playing: nothing shhhhh everyone is sleeping. �

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