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02 July, 2002 - 8:23 a.m.


Grrrr. they changed the stupid train schedules yesterday and now i have to leave for work 15 minutes earlier or i'm 5 minutes late. grr i moved here so my commute would be less, now it's back to what it was when i was 20 miles away , and i'm only a mile away. I think i may start walking to work, it's quicker :P stupid trains.

It's too hot.

i'm feeling very apathetic today, prolly cuz it's hot

I'm not hungry either, also prolly cuz it's hot.

Scorner's cdrom drive isn't working right, so i can't change the OS on him, blah.

the cats finally had a fight fight this morning. nothing bad, but still

being whiny but not really having anything else to say here.





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