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30 June, 2002 - 9:01 p.m.

Woohoo. right now, I'm doing LAUNDRY! and it doesn't involve quarters! Yay! hehe the delivery guy was way late and stuff, but they are here and work now! yay for washers and dryers!!! yay! this is So Nifty! Such joy from such a simple thing as a washer and a dryer :}


And yay me, i sat around and waited for the delivery guy all day and pretty much did nothing :} i cooked a yummy dinner though, in my new rice cooker. rice and broccoli Yum! and i hung up one of my paintings, and now i'm doing laundry! Hehhehehehe


9 computers can make a room really hot


steamed broccoli and rice

pens with sparkly purple ink.

veganboy, who visited me today for a bit :D

the nifty kitty print carpet we have in the dining room now :}

doing laundry at home



Now Playing: revolting cocks- crackin up, stabbing westward- save yourself �

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