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30 June, 2002 - 9:36 a.m.

Mmmm. I got new pillows and sheets and stuff yesterday. black sheets and pillowcases. and big fluffy pillows. I have 5 pillows now on my bed. Yay. The black stuff kinda looks odd with the white floral comforter and pillowcases. Oh well. i've had them for probably 10 years now, it's more cream than white now form being old... though i could start using the blue one again, i'd need to get some more pillowcases, cuz the blue comforter with black sheets and pillows, and then my two pillows with the floral print would look silly. Heh. Why the F8Ck am i caring if my stuff matches though? It's weird. I've always just had whatevers cheapest or secondhand, so i've never had matching stuff in my house. It's weird that right now i can afford to at least try to get stuff that matches (mmm black...) at least a little bit. i've never really thought that i cared much about that, writting it off as a silly girly girl thing... but i guess there are some things i do like to match some, my blankies, and towels, though the whole bathroom doesn't need to match, just having all black towels would be nice. I've never really had the money to change what i have just because i want to. I usually only get new things when whatever i had is falling apart, and then i find something on sale and grab it... I still find it fairly odd. Going out and buying a whole new set of towels and stuff to match your bathroom when you have lots of perfectly useable stuff seems silly to me. I'd prolly just slowing weed out the old ones with new ones, but i guess if i had enough extra money i'd do it, if the ones i had were all old unmatching ones, but i wouldn't trade out one matching set of towels for another colour, just to match the colouring of the bathroom, that just seems excessive and wasteful to me...The only reason i really got the sheets is cuz i've been using a blanket as a sheet for years, and that's all faded and falling apart, and i needed pillowcases for the pillows i bought, and it was $10 for pillowcases themselves, or $20 for the sheet set with pillowcases, so.

today hopefully i will just sit at home mostly. I want to work on scorner maybe, or maybe just sit brainlessly in front of the computer all day (how i've so far spent the first two hours of my day, aside from moving stuff in the garage to make room for the washer and dryer) maybe read a book. I might wander over to veganboy and CRG's house, they were both talking about cleaning the house some, and i offered to come over and offer moral support and maybe some actual real help, and it's always nice to visit with them. I haven't tlaked to either of them since friday though, so i'm not sure, they might have other plans by now., and veganboy works tonight, so he might be sleeping.

I'm starting to look forward to the peoplegather me and CRG are doing. I was doing it, but she's kinda taken over cuz i was slacking, but i'm hosting it at my house at least :} only a few people this year, 8 or so, versus the 15? i think we had last year, plus some that just showed up for a day. it should be lots of fun. some friends from out of state, plus local friends. we are looking into fun things to do. museums and parks and stuff. grinninggirl is prolly coming out too for it, which will be nice, she may stay an extra day of two as well. but flights are expensive, so i don't think she's totally sure yet....

I have no clue what i'm doing for 4th of july. everyone's making a big deal this year, i guess cuz of the whole patriotic thing, but the last 3 or so years i've had to work. though year before last we did go on the roof at work and watch, since we had a nice view of the fairgrounds. :D I don't have to work this year though. crg and veganboy are going outta town, and they are who i'd most liekly wanna do stuff with, but they arn't coming back untill sunday evening, and i work sunday morning. shrew is doing stuff with her parents, and invited me. I don't know if i'll go with... I wanna see what other people are up to as well... there's a party i kinda wanna go to, but the type of party i would only want to go to with someone i trusted lots, and i don't know anyone that would want to go with me, if i decided i wanted to go in the first place. It'd be fun to giggle at all the drunk people though...

la la la hmmm i've been writting for an hour now.... I'm in a babbling mood this morning i guess. i already forgot what the first few songs that played were, for my now playing list... heh...

OH! I finally got to watch Real genius yesterday, we all plopped on the couch and watched it. it's silly and cute. a good reminder that while you shouldn't take life too seriously, you should at least give it your cursory attention so it doesn't sneak up on you. :D Mmm popcorn....


Uhmm I can't think of a whine... (pauses to think, sure I can think of SOMETHING)

damnit.. Oh well, i guess today's whine is cancelled, unless i whine about not having a whine.... hmmmm hmmm okay, token whine, I NEED MORE CUDDLES! there ya go... Hehhehe



new sheets and pillowcases.

kitties playing Zip

songs about girls


nellie the elephant :}

being in a good silly mood today

i have the bugs bunny cartoon of the barber of seville running though my head cuz i just heard the song a bit ago.


la la la

the smurfs


the number 24 and the letter N





hugs and kisses from friends


(edit)hmm there is only a little space for the now playing field, hehehe , discovery! hehhe last one is love manifesto, and there was also tori- raspberry swirl in the list :}



Now Playing: TMBG- birdhouse in your soul, oingo boingo- grey matter, nirvana- molly's lips, LOA- blowin up your mind, MTX-love manifes �

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