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29 June, 2002 - 5:41 p.m.

yesterday was very nice. I had a headache and called in sick. felt better around one-ish, but didn't feel like calling in and seeing if they'd like me to come in, so i decided to go shopping to look for a new shirt and maybe some pants. I found a shirt, and some cute undies (i've really gotten into the whole cute undies thing lately...*shrug*) and two pairs of converse shoes!!!! one black, one purple. all things on sale. i ended up only spending $60, which was very nifty. I found a nifty shirt i want lots, a kinda meshy fabric with purple and blue kitty spots on it, it's $50 just for that shirt though. too much.

when i got home, i talked to CRG and offered to buy her dinner to entice her to hang out, since i was 'possed to do stuff with veganboy and he was running late :} we went and had food and talked and then me, crg, crg's mate, veganboy, shrew and tyger all went to see scooby doo. It was lots of fun. crg's mate does the tech for the DDR machines at the local theaters, and he put DDR 7th mix in, and let us play some. it's nifty, though i'll need to get used to the freeze arrows. i like the songs though.

today, i started the day by unpacking some things and then me and shrew crawled in and napped next to tyger and MoKitty for a bit (mmm cuddlepile good), then we got up and we went to fry's and i bought some music and pens and stuff, and we got a washer and dryer :} then we went to costco and got fud and stuff. my feet hurt from all the walking around.

I started working on getting scorner back up and running, he's plugged in already., but i am going to install debian on him (i had red hat 7.1). i was going to do that today, but tyger wants me to watch a movie with him. maybe tomorrow. though i need to do other stuff tomorrow, and i wanted to have a relaxing do nothing sunday. blah. all of my days off lately seem to be running around, and i just get so exhausted. I don't want to burn out like i used to get when i was working weekends and going to school. i hate feeling like i never really have a day off where i just do relaxing stuff.


feet hurt, and my toe looks ucky.

there's a player piano at fry's, and it was playing silly stuff, like merry go round broken down, and then it played the evil singing children disney song, ggrrr i have it stuck in my head now, it won't go away!!!! la la.. it's a small world after la la



hanging out with friends






Now Playing: i donno, something shrew is playing on her puter, and the sound of lots of clicking keyboards �

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