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28 June, 2002 - 8:50 a.m.


the kitties freaked me out a bit last night. i woke up, and all three were on my bed sleeping. weridness. I think they miss tyger and wanted someone to cuddle with. it's weird that they were all willing to sleep so close to eachother though...

feeling rather blah today, both physically and mentally. headachy and tummy grumbly, and being blah thinking about relps and feelings and such. It's just kinda sad when you care about someone a lot, and it just doesn't seem like they feel the same about you. There isn't really anything you can do about it either. it's just kinda depressing. blah blah blah. there's this kinda mess of relps aorund me too, people that are blissful, people that are very not, some of them ones i wish were blissful about me.

Feh, I'd go on a vow of anti-dating, but that's when someone up above would find it hilarious to find me someone, though they'll prolly seem great, and then things will fall apart a few months later and seem totally wrong.. how it always goes these past few years. but then, you never know, i might meet the nifty someone. blah. Feh, Yeah.

-end cynical rant-


being in a bitchy mood...

nothing in the kitchen looks nummy




faith, the little that i have, i cherish.

giggleing from typing that and remembering a guy in school i knew that dated girls named faith, hope and charity, purely by coincidence....

feeling a bit better from babbling about stuff....




Now Playing: MTX- i fell for you, bryan bowers- the scotsman, rufus wainwright- hallelujah �

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