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26 June, 2002 - 9:11 a.m.

I've been updating a lot lately, and not saying much that is particularly important or memorable. Oh well. I've been meaning to work on my writting, does this count, teacher? Heh. mostly been writting every day.

Shadow is home, with lots of meds. Hopefully they will help.

I got a cool thing from werk. They work together lots with a local (though big chain) bookstore, giving us books and promoting kid stuff. now, if i bring my Id badge in and buy something, I get 20% off.. kinda nifty, I may have to take advantage of it. they've done it before for special days and stuff, and if you are buying kids books, but this is until-further-notice permanant. Yay. Books good.

I got to go to saturn cafe with lokifox. We brought tofu pie to veganboy afterwards too, he was very grateful. I was in a mellow quiet mood, and lokifox kept assuming something was wrong though. It's kinda grr that if i'm not this overlly happy bouncy person something must be wrong, and i get quiet on car trips longer than 15 minutes usually, so. :P lokifox isn't the only person i know who does this to me.


it's chilly in here! i'm sure it'll be broiling later, but now it's chilly! Brr... (huddles up to puters for warmth)

my back has been hurting. I think cuz i'm wearing sandals instead of my normal shoes. blech.


cleaning the bathroom a bit(not fun, but it had to be done and i did it, yay me)

my toe it feeling lots better.

friday is payday.

pondering surprizing nana and visiting her in a few weeks.



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