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25 June, 2002 - 10:56 a.m.

Shadow, one of hte kitties is staying at the vet today. she's the one that has been peeing on everything mostly. and she totally went psycho and attacked tyger. she's totally freaked out over something. poor thing. hopefulyl the vet can give us suggestions for helping her and stuff, and make sure there's no other reason she's being like that.

my toe looks better, but still hurts lots. i ended up taking a half day off today cuz yesterday i had a lot of standing and walking i had to do and it hurt lots. so i go in at 5 instead of noon.

grrr there's an annoying banner at the top of the add an entry page... (scrolls it off the top of the screen) one of the ones where it shakes back and forth :P

I've been watching tv the last few days, partly to keep myself off my feet, but partly just cuz it's there and i can watch movies and it's like watching a rented movie. tivo is nifty. I need to watch myself though, i can get soo addicted to tv.

going to go out to dinner with lokifox after work tonight. it has been nice to visit with him now and again since he doesn't have school and his mate is on vacation, so he actually has free time.


I want to play ddr. but i can't cuz my foot hurts. I've gained weight again since i moved here. i haven't been playing ddr at all, and i haven't been working out at all really. I barely fit into one of my newer pairs of pants now. Feh. that's the main things that bugs me, i just bought new stuff, i need to be able to fit it for a while.

I miss rkitty, i would like to get to visit him soon.

dumb teen movies that are so dumb even *I* can't watch them without cringing. (thank tech for the ffwrd button)


My cat is weird. last night i put two things, a plastic toy tiger, and an animaniacs toy, up on my bookshelf next to where Boo sits. I woke up to a rattling sound, which was him picking up the animaniacs toy in his mouth and moving it from the shelf to the floor, and the same with the tiger toy! I guess he objected to them being there. Heh. It was weird to see though. I moved them, they are on my monitor now.

hot cocoa

my survey has gotten popular. i have nearly 100 answers, and lots of comments in the comments field about people really liking the survey. some people don't get the silly obscure stuff, like the douglas adams reference, but I put those in there just to see who would get them, or what people would say if they had no clue what they meant, i kind of number association i guess. only a few people have followed my lead on the answer to the last one :}




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