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23 June, 2002 - 10:38 a.m.

Yesterday I ended up getting laundry done, and unpacked and organized a lot of the kitchen, and did one box of stuff in my room. It's nice that the kitchen is coming to some semblance of order finally. I finally put up most of my artwork. there's a few more things, but i can't figure out where to put them...

My toe is feeling better today, it looks really ucky still though... I think the house has turned vampiric though, it attacked Tyger last night and he got a turn at bleeding all over the bathroom floor.... I wonder when it will get Shrew.... Tyger got the middle of his foot instead of toe though.

No trip to Great america today though, since two of us can't walk well.. I'm kinda sad cuz no one seems to want to do anything else fun... oh well, we should prolly be finishing unpacking and stuff anyways.


the (%&(*#(^$@$*$*%&@)( cats peed all over my blanket, and i didn't notice till i went to go to sleep :{ i just spent time at the laundermat yesterday! ugh. yick. I put it in a garbage bag and stuck it in the garage for now, i will prolly go wash it later.

we are running out of bandaids :P


Shrew has a pair of sandals i can wear till my toe gets okay enough to wear shoes again, they are strappy ones though, so they will prolly give me blisters the first few times i wear them... we'll see. at least i have shoes that i can wear now...

silly songs

doing stuff.

raspberry sorbet

My keyboard it starting to collect stickers in stead of my monitor. it's got two now. i can only fit small ones on it though..



Now Playing: animaniacs- i'm the very model of a cartoon individual, NFG- neverending story �

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