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21 June, 2002 - 3:58 p.m.

yesterday i wandered around and visited with veganboy a bit. we had dinner at a japanese place niether of us had been to before, and it was really good. he told me a easy way to get to the japenese market via bus, too.

We got our fridge finally. yay

i maimed my toe moving food from the garage to the fridge though, and tore a good size bit of flesh out of it thanks to the garage door. It hurts lots :P i left a nice trail of blood from the garage to the kitchen, and still bleeding if i take pressure off it 3 hours later, blech. ick. at least wood floors are easy to clean, and the house has now got it's required blood sacrifice. i just hope i can still do all the walking i need to do this weekend.

I still need to put the food in the fridge.

got ahold of the ge people and figured out our stove. it's basically just really bitchy and turns off if you so much and nudge the pot you're cooking in. a "feature" to keep you from burning things or forgetting and leaving it on. nice, but a pain. and they didn't go into it in the manual in enough deatail for us to understand that, and none of us have had the fancy glass stoves before (i checked for curiousity, the retail price for our stove is $2500) I feel kinda dumb now, but how was i supposed to know :P

veganboy is away for the weekend at his dad's funeral. i talked to him a bit, he is doing okay and stuff, though tired. I worry about him.


toe, hurts , lots, can't walk! Owwiiieeee. :{ :{

being hungry all day today, even though i've been eating. i'll eat a bit, feel full, then 30 minutes later feel like i have an empty tummy ;/ my tummy is being weird i guess

we need an answering machine, and a fone in the puter room. i think i'm just spoiled too, since i'm used to my only fone residing in my pocket :}


Working appliances

the quietness of having the house all to myself, even if i'm missing out on getting to do the stuff i wanted to today. I tend to do most of my cleaning house when no one is home, and i was planning to do that, and i swept and put away a few things in my room, but then i hurt my foot.

star trek band-aids

unexpected phone calls from friends and talking to friends that i rarely get to talk to :}




Now Playing: ashley macisaac- spoonboy, robert miles- fable, TMBG- istanbul (not constantinople) �

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