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11 July, 2002 - 10:21 a.m.

It's Veganboy's Bday today. Whee! Heh :}

last day or so has been mostly boring. werk, home, sleep, werk, aside from dindin with veganboy the other night.

I got my laptop. did i say that already? I forget :D It's nifty.

I kinda want to go to the vans tour this weekend, but it's outside, and it's been sooooo hot... but bad religion and NFG and flogging molly are all playing.. Grrr want to see, but the thought of heatstroke and sunburn... ugh

work last night was boring, but nice. it was just me and shinypants boy and one other person, and we were bad and mostly just sat around talking. They got to listen to me whine cuz the floppy i have the project i've been working on died. feh. gotta start over.

Some people really really disturb me. There are people who actully come to the library, get on the 15 minute internet computers, and look at p0rn and print pictures, and often just leave the ones they don't want just sitting on the tables. ugh. I find that highly disturbing. they need it so bad they have to go to the library, and they they leave those pictures sitting around on tables where kids are colouring in colour books and stuff. grrr... it's just wrong. at least they could put them in the recycle bin that's RIGHT NEXT TO THE PRINTER!

Sorry to rant, but it just really bothers me. It just seems really pathetic to have to go to the library for p0rn. that we have people that do worse is scary. they have had to kick guys out (only once since i've been there) for having too much fun in the corner alcoves with our magazines with scantly clad girls, like cosmo and tattoo. sad icky scary world we live in.




realizing mistakes too late.






Now Playing: oingo boingo- no one lives forever, MTX - some foggy mountain top, green day- warning �

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