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12 July, 2002 - 10:38 a.m.

It's always a weird feeling for me to fall asleep at night (or whenever) and sleep straight through for 8ish hours. Where I wake up and go "oh, i fell asleep, it's morning, wow! how's that happen?" I usually wake up 4-5 times in a night. I had ome weird dreams too... I had one where tyger had a puter downstairs, and he was watching mtv (!?) and IMing me telling me it was cool and nifty and i should really come down and see it, cuz he'd never seen anything like it before, and i went to look, and it was sone old video from the early 90's with a different song for it. so wierd. and i had another classic one, i was hidding from something (don't remember what) but i was trying to get to my room, and i kept going into the wrong room and shutting myself in, then realizing i was in the wrong room and running out and running into another wrong room etc.

I had a fun day yesterday. after werk, me veganboy, CRG, and lokifox went out for veganboy's bday. we went to dinner, and then played minigolf and then played on the beach :} it was quite fun. i bought veganboy's dinner and payed for parking as a kinda half bday present. he gets the rest of his present when he sees me next prolly :}


Hot, Still.



finishing my project at werk faster than i expected.

cotton candy




Now Playing: SES- dreams come true, weird al - polka power, disney- the tiki room song �

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